光明路街道:带加拿大国际友人Richard Hayford一起感受中华传统节日元宵节的文化魅力

2023-02-06  来源: 海报新闻 作者: 袁鹏

  2月1日下午,“元宵佳节 乐享民俗”活动在市中区光明路街道东盛社区举行

  On the afternoon of February 1, "Enjoy Folk Custom Lantern Festival" event was held in Dongsheng Community, Guangming Road Street, Central City District.

  来自加拿大的Richard Hayford国际友人与社区居民一起

  Richard Hayford from Canada joined the community


  Guess lantern riddles, make lanterns and wrap sweet dumplings to feel the cultural charm of traditional Chinese festivals.

  Richard Hayford表示,这是自己第一次自己制作元宵,通过亲手制作,亲身参与,深深感受到了中国传统文化的魅力,期待有更多机会参与到中国传统节日中来。

  Richard Hayford said that it was his first time to make sweet dumplings, he felt the charm of traditional Chinese culture through participation. He is looking forward to having further opportunities to participate in traditional Chinese festivals.



